Category Archives: Uncategorized

Counseling muslims: handbook of mental health issues and interventions

Edited by Sameera Ahmed and Mona M. Amer A young female client presents with anorexia nervosa and believes that her problem has its roots in magic; parents are helpless in the face of their son’s substance abuse issues; an interracial couple cannot agree on how to discipline their children. How would you effectively help these clients while balancing appropriate interventions that are sensitive to religious, cultural, social, and gender differences? This handbook answers these difficult questions and helps behavioral health...

Design for aging: international case studies of building and program

by  Jeffrey W. Anderzhon With the world’s population aging at a rapid pace, there is a growing need for new ways to provide residential care for older people. Design for Aging explores some of the most successful examples of elderly housing today, focusing on integrating architectural considerations within an unwavering people-driven approach. Written by an international team of experts in aged care design, the book brings together twenty-six case studies from around the world, including Australia, Denmark, England, Japan, the...

The book of time: the secrets of time, how it works, and how we measure it

By Adam Hart-Davis The Book of Time is a complete guide to one of the most important, paradoxical and truly mind-bending subjects there is. It explores every aspect of time, including how it works in the natural world and in our bodies, its significance in religion and philosophy, how we measure it and how it has been essential to our scientific understanding of the universe and everything in it. Five sections of insightful text, color photographs and sidebars call on...

Quality of life: from nursing and patient perspectives

By Cynthia R. King and Pamela Hinds Quality Of Life: From Nursing And Patient Perspectives, Third Edition Is A Comprehensive Text That Offers A Unique Perspective On Quality Of Life By Reflecting The Voices Of Patients And Families Receiving Or Having Received Care For Cancer. It Is An Ideal Reference For Oncology Nursing Students And Oncology Nurses In A Variety Of Settings, Including Inpatient Units, Outpatient Clinics, Ambulatory Care Centers, Cancer Centers, Research Centers, Home Care Agencies, And Hospices. Topics...

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