Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dark shadows (ebook)

By Harry M. Benshoff While supernatural events have become fairly commonplace on daytime television in recent decades, Dark Shadows, which aired on ABC between 1966 and 1971, pioneered this format when it blended the vampires, werewolves, warlocks, and witches of fictional Collinsport, Maine, with standard soap opera fare like alcoholism, jealousy, and tangled love. In this volume, author Harry M. Benshoff examines Dark Shadows, both during its initial run and as an enduring cult phenomenon, to prove that the show...

Why Americans hate the media and how it matters


By Jonathan M. Ladd As recently as the early 1970s, the news media was one of the most respected institutions in the United States. Yet by the 1990s, this trust had all but evaporated. Why has confidence in the press declined so dramatically over the past 40 years? And has this change shaped the public’s political behavior? This book examines waning public trust in the institutional news media within the context of the American political system and looks at how...

Argument and audience: presenting debates in public settings (ebook and in print)

By Kenneth Broda-Bahm, Daniela Kempf and William Driscoll A complete guide for the public debater, debate organizer, coach or consultant. When the debate moves from the confines of the practice arena to the broad and diverse public sphere, the situation requires adaptation and specific efforts to tailor your arguments and your style to your audience, your opponents, and the immediate circumstances. This text features twenty two focused chapters exploring broad themes such as the historical, functional, logical and ethical dimensions...

Helping: how to offer, give and receive help

by Edgar H. Schein In this seminal book on helping, corporate culture and organizational development guru Ed Schein analyzes the dynamics of helping relationships, explains why help is often not helpful, and shows what any would-be-helper must do to insure that help is actually provided. Many words are used for helping — assisting, aiding, advising, coaching, consulting, counseling, supporting, teaching, and many more — but they all have common dynamics and processes. Schein exposes and shows how to resolve the...

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