Category Archives: Uncategorized

Prefab green

Prefab green By Michelle Kaufman and Catherine Remick Prefabricated housing, an all-purpose term that is used to describe any home that is built partly off-site, is enjoying a revival, thanks to a handful of innovative architects and hip shelter magazines. In its new incarnation, prefab is catching the eye of design-conscious consumers who appreciate its style and efficiency. Now, “built in a factory” means lower cost and higher-quality building components than many site-built homes. Most importantly, prefab and sustainability are...

King’s dream

King’s dream By Eric J. Sundquist “‘In highlighting the roots and ongoing struggle over the content and use of the speech, Eric J. Sundquist has produced one of the best short books we have on the ideas of racial equality from the early days of the American republic up to current Supreme Court decisions.’ George Bornstein, Times Literary Supplement ‘The speech and all that surrounds it – background and consequences – are brought magnificently to life in Eric Sundquist’s new...

Using Wikis for Online Collaboration: The Power of the Read-Write Web

Using wikis for online collaboration: the power of the read-write web By James A. West and Margaret L. West How can online instructors and course designers’ instruction harness the popular Web 2.0 tool, the wiki, for successful collaboration and learning outcomes? This book focuses on using wikis in the active learning processes that are the hallmark of collaborative learning and constructivism. It provides both the pedagogical background and practical guidelines, tools, and processes for accomplishing these goals with special emphasis...

Invitation to Holistic Health : a Guide to Living a Balanced Life

Invitation to holistic health: a guide to living a balanced life By Charlotte Eliopoulos Invitation to Holistic Health: A Guide to Living a Balanced Life provides solid principles and proven measures to promote optimal health and well-being using a holistic approach. Divided into three parts: Strengthening Your Inner Resources, Developing Health Lifestyle Practices, and Taking Charge of Challenges to the Mind, Body, and Spirit, this easy-to-read guide it provides how-to information when dealing with a variety of health-related issues that...

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