Not so fast: thinking twice about technology

techBy Doug Hill

Technology is an ocean we’re immersed in. Until something goes wrong, we mostly take it for granted. Meanwhile we’re being shaped by it.

“Not So Fast” will change the way you think about technology. Not just digital technologies, but all technologies. The depth and breadth of the book’s perspective offers dozens of illuminating insights into the nature of the technological world we’ve created. It also raises penetrating questions about how human beings fit, or don’t fit, into that world.

Doug Hill is a best-selling journalist who has studied the history and philosophy of technology for twenty years. “Not So Fast” is filled with the voices of scholars and artists who have thought deeply about the meanings of machines. Readers of this meticulously researched, elegantly written book will come away with a heightened awareness of the underlying forces that drive our technologies—and of the ways our technologies are driving us.